Members of the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Committee (NTMC) reported the following details regarding the new “pilot program” on 108th Ave SE, which restricts southbound traffic to Bellevue Way and SE 16th St from 4pm to 7pm on weekdays.
As to the development of the program, the webpage states that this step was not the result of a consensus of the NTMC members.
Pilot Program: Restrictions at SE 16th Street
Temporary turn restrictions will be implemented on SE 16th Street at Bellevue Way and SE 16th Street at 108th Avenue SE. The three-month pilot program will start Tuesday, September 5, 2017. |
- The “placard proposal” discussed earlier by the NTMC and neighbors to allow residents of Enatai an exemption from the restriction is not being pursued. This decision was not made with input by the NTMC nor based on its legality. It was made by the City based on concerns regarding the practical administration of the proposal.